Monday, September 3, 2012

Deconstructed Sushi

avacado, baby cucumber, cream cheese, cucumber, recipe, recipes, shrimp, sushi,

Sushi. Most people associate that with chunks of raw fish and rice. I do not like raw fish but I like sushi. I like sushi with shrimp, vegetables, crab, and fruit. Yes - fruit! I have tried sushi with salmon several times but just can't say I like it. Now true sushi lovers are going to cringe but most of the sushi that I get comes from KROGER. On special occasions Hubby will take me to the local Japanese restaurant and I get the real/fresh/delicious sushi. My favorite is the mexican roll which has fried shrimp, some vegetables, jalapenos, and a yummy sauce. I am not someone who likes spicy things but for some reason this one appeals to my taste buds. I have been thinking about making sushi at home for a long time but I don't have patience and skills to do it. Hubby was out of town this week which left me several nights to eat yummy healthy foods he wouldn't touch. I was craving sushi and decided to make my way. I went to the grocery store and got a bunch of food (some of it not healthy but oh so good).

Here is what I picked up:
Baby Cucumbers
Cream Cheese

I already had brown rice, soy sauce, and vinegar at home. I forgot to pick up some seaweed sheets to add in but it was great without it. I am normally not a cucumber fan but the baby cucumber always taste better to me and when mixed in with all the ingredients were quite good. I cooked 2 cups of brown rice as this was also going to be my work dinners for several nights. While the rice was cooking I peeled and chopped up the cucumber. The first time I only used half a cucumber but the other nights I used a whole one. I sliced half an avocado up and took the tails off 8 cocktail shrimp. Once the rice was cooked I added in a little bit of cream cheese and soy sauce and stirred it up until it was all melted and mixed. I dumped my veggies and shrimp on top, stirred a little, and dug in! It was amazing and I enjoyed every bit of the 4 meals I ate it. It is a very light meal but filling. I was stuffed after each meal and was satisfied. I should have made this months ago when I thought about it but I won't be waiting months to make it again...maybe a week!

All mixed up and ready to eat!